Welcome to CCSD Cyber Academy!
The goal of CCSD Cyber Academy is to utilize the advantages and opportunities of cyber education to carry out Crawford Central's mission:
...to educate and empower each student to reach their full potential by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and core values of respect, inclusion, honesty, compassion, and excellence.
Pop-in hours at East End
PA Smart Futures Information
CCSD Cyber Academy video tutorials
CCSD Cyber Procedures
PE logs for hybrid Phys. Ed. classes
Tutoring information around the district
Remote Student Helpline: 814-413-0473
OR - To open a ticket, click HERE
[Note: Make sure to click the "LOGIN WITH MICROSOFT" button - then enter your username/password from your letter IF prompted.]
Please open an e-ticket if you are experiencing any issues with the following:
- Cannot log into computer/iPad
- Cannot remember password
- Cannot get into ClassLink
- Have sound problems or internet issues
Please contact your teachers in the app you are using for questions about submitting work, navigation, recording problems, etc.
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