Special Services
Welcome to the new face of Crawford Central School District Special Education. Our purpose is to create a forum for all Crawford Central professionals who work with exceptional children to gather information, share problems & solutions, and ultimately improve the lives of the children we touch each day.
Change in Age of eligibility for Free and Appropriate Public Education
“…Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) policy change…may impact you or your child. Under the new policy, students who are eligible under federal IDEA may access a Free and Appropriate Public Education until their 22nd birthday. This means if a student would have traditionally exited from high school during or after the school term in which they turned 21 years of age, they may now remain in school until their 22nd birthday. This includes students that exited during or after the 2022-2023 school term.”
Policy Revision to Age of Eligibility
Special Education Plan 2023-2026
Special Education Plan 2023-2026
Gifted Program
General Information
Contact Us
Instructional Support Center
11280 Mercer Pike
Meadville, PA 16335
Phone: 814.724.3960
Fax: 814.333.8732
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